Sometimes it's difficult to go with the planetary flow of change and to keep up with the Cosmic dance. If we don't we can feel out of sync as if we are not really living up to our potential. This is also a time to plan fun and lively things.
This fiery energy increases as the Moon becomes Full on Saturday, December 6. This Full Moon is in Gemini which means it will be opposite the Sun in Sagittarius. Expect things to come to fruition - for more about the Full Moon and what it means, visit this page on my website.
What can you expect? People may be more outspoken and blunt than usual. They may react more quickly to things but it doesn't mean you have to be the same way. Focus your enthusiasm on something you want to achieve. I am not saying it is easy as nothing worthwhile is easy but it's a great time to do it. Set a goal and go for it with all the passion and enthusiasm you can muster. The Fire signs are often very aware of what is going on around them. Be aware of what is going on within you and take stock. Pick up your energy level but don't burn out; there's time to pace yourself.
Chrissie Blaze