Featured Sign of the Zodiac - Capricorn
The Sign of Capricorn. You may relate to this if you have the Sun, Moon or Ascendant in Capricorn.
You have the Sun in Capricorn if you were born between December 22 and January 20. Capricorn’s symbol is the sure-footed Goat who can climb the precipices and reach the mountain top, despite the stony ground. People born under this Sun sign are achievers who can set goals and work quietly, steadily and surely towards reaching these goals, despite any obstacles they encounter along the way.
Capricorn is the 10th Sign of the Zodiac. It is a feminine cardinal earth sign ruled by the planet known as the Great Teacher, Saturn.
The individuals born under this Sun sign are practical, prudent, reliable, ambitious, patient, disciplined, rational, reserved, stable, hardworking, careful, wise, self-conscious, thoughtful, calm and humorous. On the downside, all this seriousness can result in a pessimistic outlook. It’s important for responsible Capricorn to exercise their natural dry wit, let their hair down and enjoy some fun.
Capricorn is renowned as the most serious and stable of all the Sun signs. While Aries starts things, Capricorn completes and because of this receives more accolades than her pioneering friend, Aries. That’s fine by Capricorn because she loves to be appreciated and adores recognition. This Saturn-ruled sign is shy and hard on herself and when others praise her, it is music to her ears. However, accolades or not, this Sun sign is hardworking and will keep going long after the other Sun signs have given up. People may wonder why cautious Capricorn is often the winner but it’s the classic story of the tortoise and the hare. In this case, the sure-footed tortoise is actually the Capricorn goat! Bosses love respectful Capricorns and they are the backbone of the company or organization for which they work. Watch out, though, if you’re the boss, this ambitious sign will aim to take over your job. When they eventually become the boss, they are demanding but also honest and thoughtful. They won’t expect anything of you that they aren’t prepared to do themselves.
What about other areas of life? The enlightened Capricorn approaches every area of life in a similar way, whether it is a love affair or enjoyment, it is a serious task with consequences. They hate to waste time and start to feel guilty if they’re having too much fun. If you are dating a Capricorn, don’t expect a wild, impulsive affair. It is more likely to be a long, slow uphill process where they gingerly dip their toe in the water but you can guarantee that if they’re still around, they mean business. Another serious matter is making money and Capricorns usually have more than enough although they are loathe to admit it and can be rather stingy. Money is part of their security-consciousness and they don’t like to waste it but they do enjoy spending money on quality items such as fine wine, well-made designer clothes and expensive artwork.
Light on Leaves. Photo by Gary Blaze. Copyright 2014. Extract from Superstar Signs by Chrissie Blaze, published by O Books, Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.
You have the Sun in Capricorn if you were born between December 22 and January 20. Capricorn’s symbol is the sure-footed Goat who can climb the precipices and reach the mountain top, despite the stony ground. People born under this Sun sign are achievers who can set goals and work quietly, steadily and surely towards reaching these goals, despite any obstacles they encounter along the way.
Capricorn is the 10th Sign of the Zodiac. It is a feminine cardinal earth sign ruled by the planet known as the Great Teacher, Saturn.
The individuals born under this Sun sign are practical, prudent, reliable, ambitious, patient, disciplined, rational, reserved, stable, hardworking, careful, wise, self-conscious, thoughtful, calm and humorous. On the downside, all this seriousness can result in a pessimistic outlook. It’s important for responsible Capricorn to exercise their natural dry wit, let their hair down and enjoy some fun.
Capricorn is renowned as the most serious and stable of all the Sun signs. While Aries starts things, Capricorn completes and because of this receives more accolades than her pioneering friend, Aries. That’s fine by Capricorn because she loves to be appreciated and adores recognition. This Saturn-ruled sign is shy and hard on herself and when others praise her, it is music to her ears. However, accolades or not, this Sun sign is hardworking and will keep going long after the other Sun signs have given up. People may wonder why cautious Capricorn is often the winner but it’s the classic story of the tortoise and the hare. In this case, the sure-footed tortoise is actually the Capricorn goat! Bosses love respectful Capricorns and they are the backbone of the company or organization for which they work. Watch out, though, if you’re the boss, this ambitious sign will aim to take over your job. When they eventually become the boss, they are demanding but also honest and thoughtful. They won’t expect anything of you that they aren’t prepared to do themselves.
What about other areas of life? The enlightened Capricorn approaches every area of life in a similar way, whether it is a love affair or enjoyment, it is a serious task with consequences. They hate to waste time and start to feel guilty if they’re having too much fun. If you are dating a Capricorn, don’t expect a wild, impulsive affair. It is more likely to be a long, slow uphill process where they gingerly dip their toe in the water but you can guarantee that if they’re still around, they mean business. Another serious matter is making money and Capricorns usually have more than enough although they are loathe to admit it and can be rather stingy. Money is part of their security-consciousness and they don’t like to waste it but they do enjoy spending money on quality items such as fine wine, well-made designer clothes and expensive artwork.
Light on Leaves. Photo by Gary Blaze. Copyright 2014. Extract from Superstar Signs by Chrissie Blaze, published by O Books, Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.