Featured Sign of the Zodiac - Aries
You will relate to this if you have the Sun, Moon or Ascendant in Aries, as I do. Aries is a Cardinal Fire Sign. It is for people born between March 22 and April 19 (approximately; it does vary slightly).
Aries is born to fly high and to go where no one has been before. He likes the thrill of the unknown and when he reaches his destination, another trail lies before him waiting to be blazed. Always seeking distant pastures new; never content, never resting on laurels; knowing the only place for him is out in front. Once he joins the rank and file his fire is extinguished and his purpose lost.
Out in front is a lonely place and the reason why some people born with an Aries Sun don’t stay there, and so don’t use their true potential. Like his fellow Sun sign Sagittarius, the journey is the goal to this adventurous sign. However, unlike mellow Sagittarius, Aries takes his journey alone, relying on nobody but himself. Independence and learning to stand on his own two feet are life lessons for the Aries. At the end of the day he can rely on nobody but himself.
Aries is impulsive and his energy is like a flame; burning brightly with a creative thought or an idea and then it is gone. If his idea is strong and true, it can bring light to the darkest night. If his idea is strong and wild, it can cause devastation. Such is the power of the Aries Sun. He is the pioneer whose goal is to introduce new ideas, thoughts, systems and magic into our world. You may notice this in conversation with an Aries. If you are explaining something to him, he will finish your thoughts, interject, pace the room or seem distracted. His mind works at warp speed and he got what you were trying to tell him from the first few seconds it was out of your mouth.
This is an irritating trait and one Aries learns to tame as he matures. However, the reason he stops listening is not because he’s rude but because the impulse of this first sign of the zodiac is always to remain first, and to achieve this he can’t afford to waste time. He must never give away his position of leadership for if he does, he is lost. While he doesn’t have to be president of the country, in some area of your life he must be his own boss, independent and free.
He may be a train driver or an airline pilot and if he espouses a noble cause, he will become a leader in the realms of thought or spirituality. He is a great promoter of himself and his ideas, and also of other people and causes he believes in. He is a good public speaker, who can persuade and inspire others through his sheer passion, optimism and enthusiasm for his subject
Astrology books will tell you Aries is selfish. The Aries Sun is here to discover who he is and to find the joy in expressing himself - unique, free, spirited and alive. It’s only when he discovers himself that he can give himself to a cause bigger and nobler than he is. This is what Aries seeks and it is this surrender of self that will set him free.
Aries is the most misunderstood Sign of the zodiac. What makes him tick? What are his motives? Being a masculine sign, the Aries women have an even harder time. Why does she have to be so aggressive? What is she trying to prove? What does she want out of life? She doesn’t seem to care one hoot for money; often making a heap and then losing it all again with hardly a murmur. She can rise to the heights of her profession quickly and capably, not caring one jot that it’s supposed to be harder for a woman to reach the top. Then once she conquers these dizzy heights, she is likely to leave everything behind to bum round the world on a shoestring. Security, position, money, fear, guilt, politics or popularity doesn’t turn her on at all; challenge and all that is real and true does. Once you understand that, you begin to understand the Aries.
copyright Superstar Signs by Chrissie Blaze. All rights reserved.
photograph Gary Blaze. Copyright 2016.
Aries is born to fly high and to go where no one has been before. He likes the thrill of the unknown and when he reaches his destination, another trail lies before him waiting to be blazed. Always seeking distant pastures new; never content, never resting on laurels; knowing the only place for him is out in front. Once he joins the rank and file his fire is extinguished and his purpose lost.
Out in front is a lonely place and the reason why some people born with an Aries Sun don’t stay there, and so don’t use their true potential. Like his fellow Sun sign Sagittarius, the journey is the goal to this adventurous sign. However, unlike mellow Sagittarius, Aries takes his journey alone, relying on nobody but himself. Independence and learning to stand on his own two feet are life lessons for the Aries. At the end of the day he can rely on nobody but himself.
Aries is impulsive and his energy is like a flame; burning brightly with a creative thought or an idea and then it is gone. If his idea is strong and true, it can bring light to the darkest night. If his idea is strong and wild, it can cause devastation. Such is the power of the Aries Sun. He is the pioneer whose goal is to introduce new ideas, thoughts, systems and magic into our world. You may notice this in conversation with an Aries. If you are explaining something to him, he will finish your thoughts, interject, pace the room or seem distracted. His mind works at warp speed and he got what you were trying to tell him from the first few seconds it was out of your mouth.
This is an irritating trait and one Aries learns to tame as he matures. However, the reason he stops listening is not because he’s rude but because the impulse of this first sign of the zodiac is always to remain first, and to achieve this he can’t afford to waste time. He must never give away his position of leadership for if he does, he is lost. While he doesn’t have to be president of the country, in some area of your life he must be his own boss, independent and free.
He may be a train driver or an airline pilot and if he espouses a noble cause, he will become a leader in the realms of thought or spirituality. He is a great promoter of himself and his ideas, and also of other people and causes he believes in. He is a good public speaker, who can persuade and inspire others through his sheer passion, optimism and enthusiasm for his subject
Astrology books will tell you Aries is selfish. The Aries Sun is here to discover who he is and to find the joy in expressing himself - unique, free, spirited and alive. It’s only when he discovers himself that he can give himself to a cause bigger and nobler than he is. This is what Aries seeks and it is this surrender of self that will set him free.
Aries is the most misunderstood Sign of the zodiac. What makes him tick? What are his motives? Being a masculine sign, the Aries women have an even harder time. Why does she have to be so aggressive? What is she trying to prove? What does she want out of life? She doesn’t seem to care one hoot for money; often making a heap and then losing it all again with hardly a murmur. She can rise to the heights of her profession quickly and capably, not caring one jot that it’s supposed to be harder for a woman to reach the top. Then once she conquers these dizzy heights, she is likely to leave everything behind to bum round the world on a shoestring. Security, position, money, fear, guilt, politics or popularity doesn’t turn her on at all; challenge and all that is real and true does. Once you understand that, you begin to understand the Aries.
copyright Superstar Signs by Chrissie Blaze. All rights reserved.
photograph Gary Blaze. Copyright 2016.