Featured Sign of the Zodiac - Leo
The Sun is in Leo from July 23 to August 22, though may vary slightly each year.
You will relate to this if you have the Sun, Moon or Ascendant in Leo. It is a masculine fixed fire sign ruled by the Sun.
You won’t have to look very far to spot a Leo. He is usually up in front of the crowd making a lot of noise, or otherwise attracting attention. Because of his lack of shyness (yes, it’s rare to find an introverted Leo and I do not even believe such an animal exists), you may find him on stage acting or speaking, or leading a company or organization.
You can also spot him by the way he looks. His pride extends to his physical body and there are probably more Leos at the gym than any other sign. The men like to not only keep strong but to look strong (got to give a good impression). This sign stands tall and proud, even if they’re only 5 feet tall you think they’re a giant. They walk with a confident air and sometimes a swagger and a deceptively lazy look. This sign is very self-conscious and aware and although they may appear laid back in the extreme, like the lion, they are always coiled and ready to pounce. Their laid back, cool look is not just to impress but to hide their inner intensity. Remember, fundamentally Leo is the actor and doesn’t want you to see his inner side with all its normal, human vulnerabilities. In fact, he rarely acknowledges it himself. His main focus is a creative, extravert one, not an inward looking one.
Leos are usually blessed with abundant hair, like the Leo main, which is strong, curly and wiry; sometimes dark but often with a reddish gold tinge to it. They want to be seen as beautiful, noble and wear wonderful, flamboyant, luxurious clothes such as yellow cashmere sweaters and pink linen shirts (and I’m talking here about the men). In fact, they want luxury all the way, and are prepared to work long and hard so that they can have everything to make life enjoyable; fine wines, gourmet food and first class travel. They are the kings, after all.
They understand the saying “Play up, play up and play the game” because they know that life is a game and they are actors on the stage of life. Because they understand this, they are usually very successful in life and it is rare to find a down-at-heel Leo who is content with his lot. They are ambitious and clever and they wear authority well. They exude an air of authority and understand the power of delegation, especially those little, dull or messy tasks. Their role is to lead and inspire and they happily leave the details to the Virgo.
However, because they are able to see the whole, they can be very good at setting up efficient streamlined systems for others to use. However, they’re happy to let others use it and have a knack for knowing who is good at what. This is also what makes them good leaders; they know the strengths of other people and will openly admire and applaud them in a generous fashion.
Underneath his mane of hair and proud stance he hides a secret that few will realize. Leos always like to appear confident and at ease but he can actually be humble, yes, humble. How can that be? Surely, he is the arrogant, confident, vain one; where does humility factor into this? I admit it’s difficult to see at first glance but just understand Leo’s great sense of responsibility. He wants to be in control and is happy when others lean on him (he certainly doesn’t want to lean on anyone else). If anything goes wrong in his life, rather than blaming anyone else, he will take the blame himself. This is another aspect of his self-importance. Remember, the world revolves around Leo. The more evolved Leos, then, instead of being vain and self-absorbed, are self-aware. This, combined with the intelligence to put things into perspective brings the evolved Leo true humility. You may not read that in astrology books but it is true.
copyright Superstar Signs by Chrissie Blaze. All rights reserved.
You will relate to this if you have the Sun, Moon or Ascendant in Leo. It is a masculine fixed fire sign ruled by the Sun.
You won’t have to look very far to spot a Leo. He is usually up in front of the crowd making a lot of noise, or otherwise attracting attention. Because of his lack of shyness (yes, it’s rare to find an introverted Leo and I do not even believe such an animal exists), you may find him on stage acting or speaking, or leading a company or organization.
You can also spot him by the way he looks. His pride extends to his physical body and there are probably more Leos at the gym than any other sign. The men like to not only keep strong but to look strong (got to give a good impression). This sign stands tall and proud, even if they’re only 5 feet tall you think they’re a giant. They walk with a confident air and sometimes a swagger and a deceptively lazy look. This sign is very self-conscious and aware and although they may appear laid back in the extreme, like the lion, they are always coiled and ready to pounce. Their laid back, cool look is not just to impress but to hide their inner intensity. Remember, fundamentally Leo is the actor and doesn’t want you to see his inner side with all its normal, human vulnerabilities. In fact, he rarely acknowledges it himself. His main focus is a creative, extravert one, not an inward looking one.
Leos are usually blessed with abundant hair, like the Leo main, which is strong, curly and wiry; sometimes dark but often with a reddish gold tinge to it. They want to be seen as beautiful, noble and wear wonderful, flamboyant, luxurious clothes such as yellow cashmere sweaters and pink linen shirts (and I’m talking here about the men). In fact, they want luxury all the way, and are prepared to work long and hard so that they can have everything to make life enjoyable; fine wines, gourmet food and first class travel. They are the kings, after all.
They understand the saying “Play up, play up and play the game” because they know that life is a game and they are actors on the stage of life. Because they understand this, they are usually very successful in life and it is rare to find a down-at-heel Leo who is content with his lot. They are ambitious and clever and they wear authority well. They exude an air of authority and understand the power of delegation, especially those little, dull or messy tasks. Their role is to lead and inspire and they happily leave the details to the Virgo.
However, because they are able to see the whole, they can be very good at setting up efficient streamlined systems for others to use. However, they’re happy to let others use it and have a knack for knowing who is good at what. This is also what makes them good leaders; they know the strengths of other people and will openly admire and applaud them in a generous fashion.
Underneath his mane of hair and proud stance he hides a secret that few will realize. Leos always like to appear confident and at ease but he can actually be humble, yes, humble. How can that be? Surely, he is the arrogant, confident, vain one; where does humility factor into this? I admit it’s difficult to see at first glance but just understand Leo’s great sense of responsibility. He wants to be in control and is happy when others lean on him (he certainly doesn’t want to lean on anyone else). If anything goes wrong in his life, rather than blaming anyone else, he will take the blame himself. This is another aspect of his self-importance. Remember, the world revolves around Leo. The more evolved Leos, then, instead of being vain and self-absorbed, are self-aware. This, combined with the intelligence to put things into perspective brings the evolved Leo true humility. You may not read that in astrology books but it is true.
copyright Superstar Signs by Chrissie Blaze. All rights reserved.