March begins with a Virgo Full Moon, the first of two in March. It’s a good day to focus on the mind-body-spirit connection and honestly look at the effect your thoughts and emotions are having on your physical body. A nice aspect between Venus and Jupiter (trine) assist you in confidently making any changes or adjustments you need to make going forward.
On March 4, the Sun joins with Neptune as it does each year in Pisces. This Pisces connection will continue until 2025 when slow-moving Neptune then enters Aries. This long trend of Neptune in its own sign, Pisces is bringing great sensitivity but also possible self-doubt and confusion. When the Sun joins Neptune on Sunday, it is a good time to find a quiet space and reset your life towards a more spiritual orientation.
Monday, March 5 brings a week of change. Both Mercury and Venus change signs and enter Aries and Jupiter turns retrograde. Mercury remains in Aries for a long time – until May – because on March 22 it turns retrograde dipping back into Pisces and then entering Aries again. What this means is a speeding up of communications and a more forceful, direct approach. Venus in the same sign may temper this a little but Venus in Aries can also bring things to a head with relationships. However, you can use this energy in positive ways – such as promotion, public relations, sales. It’s an ideas time and a time when you feel confident and courageous to begin new ventures.
Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio is urgings to tune in and listen to our inner voice over the next four months; it’s a time to follow your hunches and your intuition more than ever. It is also a good time to learn to channel and control the turbulent emotions of Scorpio so that when the retrograde period ends, we are ready for unexpected opportunities. However, we won’t have to wait that long…when Mars joins happily with Uranus (trine) on March 11 it brings a great week for unusual opportunities to break out of the rut.
March 17 is a New Moon in Pisces; a good time for healing or to begin a compassionate project. However, watch out for a square from Mars that day when an argument could quickly flare up before Mars moves from fiery Sagittarius to more stable Capricorn for the next two months. Mars is urging us to work hard now towards our ambitions and if we do, we can accomplish a lot.
March 20, it’s the start of the astrological New Year with the Sun entering Aries and the Spring equinox bringing hope, growth and new beginnings. Two days later, Mercury goes retrograde bringing a great time to review, revise and renegotiate. For more information about how this will affect your Sun sign, please check out the Mercury Retrograde on this website, or my book, Mercury Retrograde, which gives in-depth information about how to handle these tricky times each year.
With Mercury retrograde tending to skew communications and a hard Venus-Pluto square on Friday, March 23, watch out for power struggles and obsessive reactions. In fact the whole weekend could be challenging so – be prepared, stay calm and carry on!
When Venus joins Uranus on March 28, expect the unexpected. You may feel inclined to take a risk but probably best to avoid this if possible.
Saturday, March 31 – the month ends with some important planetary events – a Blue Moon – the second Full Moon of the month, this time in Libra. It’s a great time for completion. Perhaps you have been having an ongoing battle with someone; now with the Full Moon in the relationship sign it’s time to end this and cooperate. Also, on this day, Venus moves into its own sign, Taurus, and is very happy there bringing three weeks of positive social events, pleasant relationships and an upswing in finances. It’s also a great time to reconnect with Nature and the Mother Earth! Check out my new book which is full of ideas on how to do this: Earth: Astrology’s Missing Planet – Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power.
Chrissie Blaze