May you find meaning, joy and inspiration in the myriad dimensions of your life, from the small to the sublime.
May every day draw you closer to that unique destiny and higher calling that is your birthright.
May you be a lighthouse to all, so that those you meet are guided into the safe harbor of their own becoming.
May you cherish the guidance you receive, in your journey from the person you were to the extraordinary person you will become.
May the power of God lighten your burdens when heaviness fills your heart, and raise you when you're down.
When others wrong you, may you have the strength to understand a Higher Plan and follow that calling ever more surely.
When others give to you, may you accept their gifts, honoring them with the sweet perfume of your ready friendship.
When the night is dark, may you have faith that the Sun will rise in so short a time.
May your choices, decisions, thoughts and actions be reflections of that real and higher part of you.
May compassion inspire you to action; and the enduring Love of God fuel your inner fire.
May your relationships - human, animal, the Blessed Mother Earth, the Great Ones who watch over us - be filled with grace and love.
May Peace be in your heart, Grace be in your soul, and Love always be your guide.
─Chrissie Blaze, Healing Prayers
Copyright from my book, Healing Prayers, available from the Spiritual book page. You are welcome to copy this Blessing and send it on if you include: "by Chrissie Blaze from the book, Healing Prayers, available at". Thank you!
Chrissie Blaze