A conjunction occurs when planets appear incredibly close to one another in the sky. The two giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn, align about every twenty years but this Great Conjunction marks the first time since 1623 that they have passed this closetooneanotherintheheavens. Itissorarethatthelasttimewehavebeen able to witness this event clearly visible in the night sky was almost 800 years ago!
We learn from the Cosmic teachings of The Aetherius Society that the planets are extremely advanced, living, Cosmic Intelligences. Some astrologers believe that any powerful alignment of planets is important and part of a Divine plan of evolution. Their powerful energies are as a Cosmic Symphony and this music of spheres assists the evolution of all life in this Solar System.
To celebrate this Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, The Aetherius Society conducted a special Service of The Twelve Blessings to mark the beginning of what astrologers call “A New Aquarian Era” in this most Spiritual and potent way.
This day was also the Winter Solstice, when the Sun moves into the sign of Capricorn each year; it is the shortest day of the year when gradually the days start to lengthen in the Northern Hemisphere. The Winter Solstice has been marked over thousands of years by festivals and rituals but this Solstice was far more significant because of the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. We therefore joined in the most powerful mystical ritual delivered to Earth for this Age by the Master Jesus, through the extraordinary Mediumship of our Master, His Eminence Sir George King, focusing on the Eighth Blessing – “Blessed Is The Mighty Sun”.
The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is one planetary event that both astronomers and astrologers have been excited about for some time. Astronomers are excited because these two planets haven’t been this close for centuries; they are just 1/10t h degree apart, appearing to the naked eye like a bright star. Look up in the sky tonight around sunset if the sky is clear and you should be able to see what looks like a bright star but not twinkling as stars do but shining more steadily. (To see this conjunction for yourself, look in the South West part of the sky just after sunset. You will be able to see this for a week or so each evening)
Astrologers are excited because the last time these two giant planets joined at 0.1 degrees Aquarius – right at the beginning at the sign of Aquarius – was in 1405! This was during the Renaissance, a period in Europe when there was a flowering of culture, philosophy, literature and art and a political and economic rebirth following the Middle Ages. Astrologers have used these Jupiter-Saturn cycles to track history for thousands of years as they sketch the broad strokes of an era. We are now heading more surely into another Renaissance of a different type where Spirituality, science and technology will join and flourish for the benefit of all.
On this historic day of December 21, 2020, we are also beginning a new 200-year Era for humanity. Humanity has experienced 200 years of Jupiter and Saturn coming together in the Earth signs1 with their focus on the physical and the material; on building, and the status quo. The Industrial Revolution was in its heyday and although advances were made in many areas, this Age has led to excessive materialism where billionaires seem to be the norm while others are hungry. The most revered aspect of this Earth Era should have been our Mother Earth, and yet humanity has taken from Her ceaselessly and selfishly with little thought of repayment.
Now, in these next 200 years, the focus is on the Air Signs , beginning with Aquarius. The Air signs are no better than the Earth Signs; these elements just manifest differently. These are information ages, intellectual and ideological in nature. We are now being given an opportunity to manifest the best that this new Era offers to us. What we have witnessed and experienced through our past history is now behind us. It’s as if the planets are now calling us to move forward in our evolution with a will.
1 In astrology, the Earth Signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. In astrology, the Air Signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. For one, the planet upon which we live, move and have our being, the Goddess Earth, demands this if we are to continue upon Her beautiful Body.
Astrology is based on the ancient adage, “As above, so below”. Whatever is happening in the heavens, affects and influences us. The planets assist us in our evolution; change is taking place now on this planet so that we can move more surely towards our Divine heritage. However, change is difficult for us humans and many are feeling discomfort, stress and facing very real challenges. You may have heard people saying that this year, 2020, has felt as if things were coming to an end and that life would never be the same again. They are correct because this new Aquarian Era is unlike the conservative energy of the previous sign, Capricorn. Aquarius is about freedom; breaking free of old ways of thinking and being, and a realization of Oneness.The previous era has now come to an end.
This new era from December 21 will, gradually but surely, manifest as a critical mass as people begin to realize more fully their humanity
You may agree that this has not been our finest hour on our beautiful planet. Humanity cannot continue using up the precious resources given so freely by Mother Earth, greedily taking with no thought of repayment. It’s obvious to all thinking people that we need a major shift in consciousness. It is true that the planets incline but they do not compel. Today, and going forward, humanity has another chance to change for the better - but still we have to want to do it. The choice is always ours – do we continue to use our freewill, doing whatever we want; or do we move in the direction of true, lasting freedom? That is the burning question for us today and in the future.
This is an historic day and it is not by chance that you are here, reading this. We are just a relative few people on Earth, deciding to make a mark at the beginning of this Era by joining together spiritually in many different ways; symbolizing that the beginning of this era is marked by all that is good. We have the opportunity to herald in this Era in the highest way possible.
3 Visit www.aetherius.org learn about the Spiritual nature of Earth and what The Aetherius is doing to help Her and humanity at this time through Operation Sunbeam.
The event on December 21 is known as the New Era of Aquarius - because Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in the sign of Aquarius. However, we are already in the Age of Aquarius, 2,160 years in length. We are now beginning what could be called an “overlay” of this Age, within the existing Aquarian Age.
My own belief is that we have been in The Aquarian Age since the 1960s, and some other astrologers also believe this. I believe it began on July 8, 1964, the Day of The Primary Initiation of Earth – and if you are interested to find out more about this amazing Cosmic event – please visit aetherius.org. Two years later, in 1966, Dr. George King devised Operation Sunbeam, a Cosmic Mission through which Spiritual energy is sent to Mother Earth, the living Goddess who has sacrificed so much for us, as a karmic manipulation on behalf of the entire human race. Then, in 1969, soon after these colossal events, thanks to the astronauts who landed on the Moon, we saw the very first pictures of the Earth from Space, changing our consciousness forever, as we saw and realized Her fragility, and our Oneness.
From December 21, 2020, a new focus and greater potency is being brought to the Aquarian vision, thanks to the Great Conjunction. In astrology, Jupiter is associated with the principles of growth, expansion, healing, prosperity, good fortune, and what you might call miracles. In spiritual astrology, Saturn is called The Lord of Karma and is associated with discipline, focus, hard work, tradition, commitment and wisdom.
This planetary conjunction is assisting us to truly embrace this Age of Aquarius and it is now up to us to grasp the opportunities that this Age will offer to us all. If we work hard together in a Saturnian disciplined way for the good of the whole; then can the Jupiterian gifts of Divine opportunity; abundance, good fortune, joy and virtual miracles upon Earth be activated.
Although we are heading into a new year, 2021, with this strong focus on Aquarian values, we should be aware that Uranus, the co-ruler of this sign of Aquarius, is currently in a difficult aspect to this conjunction – what astrologers call a “square”. We can therefore initially expect a strong resistance to these changing values.
We’re heading towards a more progressive, open-minded, innovative, humanitarian, unified, inventive way of life but, right now, it may feel as if our heels are dug in the floor because of this aspect with the planet Uranus in the sign of Taurus. This is a difficult mix of energies; Uranus wants change and Taurus does not. It’s about shaking the unshakeable; we can expect to see intense struggles play out on the world stage through February, 2021 and again later in the year.
However, despite this, nothing and nobody can resist a new Era whose time has come. People can try – and they probably will - but it is an impossibility. The energies of the planets are irresistible but it’s still our choice how we use these life-giving energies. Let us all choose to use them in the most positive way possible by accepting that change is coming; highlighting exciting inventions for the good of humanity; innovative ways to overcome our problems to nurture the Earth and each other. For it is indeed this is a time of Oneness when division must surely be eradicated on this Earth.
This new Era will bring prominence to The Aetherius Society as a truly Aquarian organization in its every Aim and Objective. Although ahead of its time, it is very much of this time. This is a wonderful time to consider joining us in our mission of world service, personal and global healing and spreading the Cosmic teachings, by becoming a Friend of even a Member. This era will be beneficial for all involved in Service to others in one of many ways.
The Founder and Spiritual Master, Dr. George King said, in the 1960s when the Aquarian Age was beginning, that the most important energy crisis on this planet is the Spiritual Energy Crisis – this global lack of love and harmony. By joining in prayer, and especially in the Twelve Blessings Services held by our Society very frequently online, live-streamed and in person, you are part of the solution for this Earth.
For those of you who are new to The Twelve Blessings these were delivered by the Cosmic Avatar, The Master Jesus, through the extraordinary Mediumship of Dr. George King in 1958. These profound teachings, also a spiritual practice and beautiful mystical ritual, were given for this Aquarian Age and include a Cosmic concept. You can learn more about The Twelve Blessings and join in online Service with people around the world at www.12blessings.org. In return, you will receive back an even higher aspect of love than that which you have radiated through your prayers.
Never underestimate the contribution you can make through your prayers for the world. Many people have found that these beautiful Blessings have changed their lives for the better in so many ways. They will help to raise your vibrations and sensitize you in readiness for the heightened vibrations that will become ever more manifest upon our world.
On this historic day, let us all do our best to leave behind all that has held us back in this old Era, and gravitate towards all that is good in this new era. Let the past be as water under the bridge and let us ready ourselves for a powerful transformation on this planet. It will not be easy; it will require courage, determination and equal doses of strength and compassion; but if we focus on realizing our own Divine potential as well as serving others and our world, it will be absolutely fantastic!
c Chrissie Blaze 2020