In the meantime, one astrologer who posted on February 22 predicted then that Britain would leave the EU on June 23. He had run two charts for Britain - one was the 1066 chart and one the 1801 chart and predicted this day as the biggest push for independence in years if not ever in the history of the nation. (Good catch!) Because of this, I think there has to be tremendous ramifications for the future.....
Also, astrologically, England is an Aries nation and fiercely independent with strong Capricorn undertones. Had the EU been a relationship of compromise it could have worked but the English just wont tolerate being told what to do for long.
I also felt that, since Mars is in an unusually long retrograde (April 18 - June 29), and is the ruler of England, things would not go according to plan. This is usually the case with Mars Retrograde. Mars was nearly stationary on June 23 which to me was a strong indication that there would be an unexpected turn of events. I believe even if the vote had been to stay, it would have been a turning point. I don't think the EU would have continued as it is - and I still don't. Also, the planet Uranus is in England's sign of Aries and according to the charts I have seen, it seems to be currently right on the nation's Ascendant, indicating more shocks and also a new beginning for England.
More later....
Chrissie Blaze