Dear Friends:
December has some interesting planetary events
In the busy build up to Christmas and the holiday season, fortunately Mercury has now turned direct on December 6 and we should see an end soon to those frustrating technical hitches and glitches, and Christmas packages getting lost in the mail - all those sort of annoying Mercury retrograde things.
Mercury is now direct in Scorpio. Interestingly, in the news we are seeing secrets unfolding as far as the Mueller probe and Mercury in Scorpio has a way of revealing things that have been concealed - Scorpio being the sign related to, among other things, our deepest secrets. It's time to pay attention and be objective about things that may be unfolding around you in your personal and work life.
New Moon in Sagittarius
The new moon takes place on December 7th in Sagittarius. Every new moon marks a beginning. It is the proper period to start something or to plant the seeds of the new. It is the perfect time to set our goals and aspirations. If we look at the zodiac sign in which the new moon is taking place - in this case Sagittarius - we can get a good idea of the types of goals to set. Take a look at the Sagittarius Sun Section section on Astrology City, to see the type of thing. An example is that Sagittarius represents travel - perhaps, therefore, a good time to start your travel plans. It also is your Spiritual path - so perhaps now you can begin a regime of Spiritual practices.
This is an excellent time to make a fresh start but as well as this it's a great time to question our habits and beliefs in order to make progress. The effects of this New Moon will last about four weeks until the Solar Eclipse on January 5, 2019. The best time to make a new start is during the first two weeks of this New Moon cycle.
When the new moon in Sagittarius occurs, it usually brings a renewal in spirits and a widening of our perception. It is a moon that fills us with optimism and makes us turn to the future, helping us to grasp the big picture.
Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces.
This New Moon, however, is a little tricky as it is square (difficult aspect) to the alignment of Mars and Neptune at 13 degrees Pisces and themes of this can bring anger, deception, confusion. Tempers can be frayed and disagreements can boil over. However, we can avoid this, as well as confusion and disappointment around this time by acting with integrity and being completely honest (in a way that Sagittarius understands).
Have a wonderful Christmas and Holiday season, and love and blessings to you for a Happy, healthy and spiritually uplifting 2019!
Chrissie Blaze