Copyright, Lake Powell at Sunset by Gary Blaze
Mars is heat; it provides the energy for us to get out of bed in the morning, to assert ourselves, and to fight for what we believe is right. It’s our vitality, our passion and our fighting spirit. Not surprisingly, it is the planetary ruler of the fiery sign of Aries and the co-ruler of intense Scorpio. As it moves through the signs and houses in our natal horoscope, it enlivens and empowers the activities and qualities associated with those signs and houses.
We’re about to enter a long, slow burn as Mars goes retrograde on June 26 for most of the summer. This is an unusual one in Aquarius and Capricorn. Why is that unusual? Mars retrogrades are not distributed evenly and this upcoming Mars retrograde in Aquarius is only the second in most people’s living memory!
It was briefly retrograde in 1924 and 1939 but then full on in 1971. That’s it – 47 years ago!
Mars shows each of us how we deal with conflict as well as our own anger – expressed or submerged. Some people burn slowly and others explode in a second and forget just as quickly.
Mars retrograde is going to do a dance in the next two months – from Capricorn then Aquarius, then back to Capricorn and then forward again into Aquarius. You can describe Mars as action – and by the same token you can describe Mars retrograde as in-action. So, if you have lots of plans for lots of activities, you might think again. Your plans could be thwarted at this time. This can be a frustrating time if you want to get ahead.
However, like all retrogrades, the Cosmos is trying to tell us something. With Mercury retrograde, it’s to think differently (see my book on the topic); and with Mars retrograde, it is (in a nutshell) to act differently though you will probably find that your thinking will be shuffled also, and your preconceptions about the world will change.
If you ignore this advice, you may well find you are forced to slow down and act differently by people and things around you.
In the world around us, we will see Mars retrograde in Aquarius shaking up the social order. If we’ve been trying to fit in and do the right thing for a long time, this could be an uncomfortable time for you. If you’re already an individualist it could also be a difficult time as you no longer feel you fit in – anywhere.
So What Can We Do?
- Re-assess current projects;
- Be more introspective or contemplative;
- Look before you leap;
- Don’t squelch your impulses but understand them;
- Slow down and rest more;
- Gain greater insight insight through spiritual practices;
- Wait-and-see rather than throwing yourself into something new;
- Look back at a relationship or project from a new perspective but don’t make any final decisions now.
- Don’t be overly assertive or push for things you want;
- Learn patience!
The dates:
Mars is retrograde in the sign of Aquarius from June 26th to August 12th.
Mars is retrograde in the sign of Capricorn from August 12 to 27.
Mars turns direct at 28 Capricorn 37′ on August 27, 2018.
Shadow period: May 12 to June 26; August 27 to October 8.